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Monday, May 16, 2011


by Eddie Dalmau, Van Wormer Resorts

Who said Friday the 13th is unlucky!

The week started very much like last week, some windy days and not a whole lot of fish coming in.  It was a tough grind for most anglers this week as the north winds blew a couple of days and the fishing was not quite up to East Cape standards.  The reports were that the Marlin had moved out and no one seemed to be able to locate the Dorado.  Many anglers decided to try inshore and bottom fishing.  Those that did were rewarded with Roosters, Pompano, Pargo, Cabrilla, and Jacks.  One guest out of Hotel Playa Del Sol landed 10 roosters on Thursday.  Then came Friday the 13th

The morning started with a little breeze, but not enough to keep anglers off the water.  Soon after the boats made their way to their favorite fishing holes, the radio chatter started throughout the fleet.  “MARLIN EVERYWHERE!”  “We are into a big school of Dorado…woohoo”!  All of a sudden things turned around.  Marlin were spotted and the schools of Dorado had once again been found.  It was quite a day!  Today we saw dorado up to 30lbs., as well as lot of striped marlin, Mako and thresher shark, roosters, pargo, cabrilla, pompano, and jacks.  It looks like fishing in the East Cape is off and running!   

That is all for this week my friends.  Until next week!

Eddie Dalmau
Baja’s Van Wormer Resorts