This 2018 Season capped off a major transition out of the El Niño warm current patterns and back to more predictable 75-85 degree water temps throughout our April to November season window. The highlights this year have really been the return to consistent tuna fishing and the explosive wahoo bites we had in August and September. The tuna showed up a month early and roosterfish showed up a month late...that's fishing. The tuna action was predominantly south with a good showing of fish in the 50-100lb range. The larger unit roosterfish were also very consistent when they did migrate into the shallows as the summer commenced. Also, the African pompano bite in early summer was absolutely incredible as they are considered an incidental catch, we were landing 6-10 per day south of the Lighthouse. Billfish was a bit slower this year overall for East Cape standards with a few incredible flurries in early June when we saw a huge school of striped marlin move into the San Luis Bank area. This kicked off a week of wide open marlin fishing on live bait. This marlin bite was then shut down by a large population of sharks that moved into the area. We did see our share of exceptional catches including a 66lb bull dorado in July and a few blue marlin over 500lbs. As I write this report the bite continues on marlin, dorado, tuna and wahoo. All in all, a very good season and return to the East Cape fishery we know and love. Thanks again to all our clients for another successful year on the water and we look forward to another excellent season in 2019. We wish you and family all the best and tight lines in the new year.
Buena pesca,